Opposite Jelid- Jelid's Journey Series

Opposite Jelid is the evil version of Jelid, making his first appearance in Jelid's Journey: Opposite Dimension. Unlike Jelid, Opposite Jelid is a troublemaker, finding any type of way to destroy the world Jelid lives in.

Opposite Jelid icon, represented in Jelid's Journey: Opposite Dimension

First Appearance: Jelid's Journey: Opposite Dimension (Coming Soon)

Full Name: Dilej Dleifeci
Age: 20 years old
Birthday: September 3rd
Height: 175.26 cm (5'9")
Family: Opposite Jerido (father)
Origin: Zapot Town
Species: Opposite

Opposite Jelid first appears in Jelid's Journey: Opposite Dimension, not being a playable character in Story Mode only. He's one of the hardest characters to unlock, which is having to beat Story Mode twice. Even though Opposite Jelid is a villain, he doesn't get off with good terms with the main antagonist, Krul Krystal.
Opposite Jelid can also be seen to be an extremely hard enemy to defeat, especially when his attacks are fairly similar to Jelid's, and slighty stronger.


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