Elanoor- Jelid's Journey Series

Elanoor is a fictional video game character, a vital character of the Jelid's Journey series.

She appeared in many video games in the franchise since her first appearance. Elanoor is apart of the Koohinoor species, and often travels alongside of Jelid. Elanoor is also on good terms with a lot of characters, such as Mine Kohinoor, Professor Kohinoor, Jerido, and Jelid. Elanoor is known for her energetic personality and intelligent mind.

Elanoor icon, represented in Jelid's Journey: Opposite Dimension

Year Created: 2013

First Game Appearance: Jelid 2 (November 3, 2021)

Full Name: Elanoor
Age: 20 years old
Birthday: October 3rd
Height: 152.4 cm (5'0")
Family: Unknown
Origin: Topaz Town
Species: Kohinoor

Elanoor will make her first RPG appearance in Jelid's Journey: Opposite Dimension, being one of many playable characters in the game. She is also the first unlockable character after finishing a mission. The concept of the Kohinoor speices first started with the Jeck speices, but then eventually evolved to the Kohinoor speices.


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